News n' Stuff

Wonderin' about upcoming projects?  Here is where you can come take a look-see at some of the stuff-to-come, as well as any how-to's and behind-the-scenes of things already available.  This is also where you can find important news bits, iffn' I've got any.

If you try to click on something below and just get a placeholder, that means I'm working on that topic but haven't made a little post yet.  So, just check back again later!  : )

NEWS NOTE REGARDING FLAVORS:  Due to the current goings on in the US of A, I will not be purchasing any new imports from that place for the time being.  Unfortunately the wonderful LorAnn oils I rely on for a great number of my taffy flavors is based in Michigan.  I know Slikkepott just got the order they placed before I made this decision and that they won't make another order for a good while.  So, I will purchase what they already brought over, but once those supplies are out, we will simply have to wait and hope for improvement o'er yonder.

I'm hoping for some non-US based substitutions, but I haven't had much luck on that front yet.


Upcoming things:


Glucose vs. honey syrup

Trading water for alcohol


Making a basic taffy



Sciencey Stuff:

My first species-level look at Steinkjer Oribatida - some friends from Byafjellet!

Hva er hornmidd?

Cookin' Stuff:

Learn to cook eggs with this Okie hack!